Y-India Summer Internship for content writer
Y-India is the most upcoming creative website called www.yindia.co.in . The website aims to promote the creativity of Indian youth through the web networking world. This is one of the most creative and upcoming website in India.
Intern Job Description:
Y-India team is looking for interns who are willing to do a short term project in content writing.
The project require following attributes:
- Youthful thinking
- Creative imagination
- Flair for writing
- Knowledge about various talent fields that youth aspires for
- Good in online data search and googling.
The project detail are as follows:
- Intern need to prepare creative write-ups for the website.
- Intern need to prepare content for online/ email advertising
- Intern need to prepare content for social media promotions of website.
- Intern need to do online research for web content required for website
The project is of high esteem and a complete flexibility will be offered to the intern to work creatively and independently.
After the project completion a letter of recommendation or certificate will be provided.
To Apply:
Interested Candidates, to apply send your resume at youngindia@indianinternship.com
- There will be no fixed stipend that will be offered.
- The experience with Y-India would be a learning experience.