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UI Designer Tag

IndianInternship / Posts tagged "UI Designer"

User-Interface Designer internship with Thewittyshit

User-Interface Designer internship with Thewittyshit Company - www.thewittyshit.com is a networking-cum-merchandising website intended to tap surges of creativity in common people by creating a network of people who are good with words(especially one-liners), providing them a customizable-space to record and host their creativity and giving them an opportunity to get incentives for the same by merchandising. Requirement - Photoshop(must!), HTML, CSS and Javascript. PHP & Flash is preffered. UI Design to be designed in 10 days. Details: 6 pages to be designed http://thewittyshit.com/wow.php http://thewittyshit.com/achievements.php http://thewittyshit.com/funzone.php http://thewittyshit.com/fun.php?funid=10 Notifications and Tail list...