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IndianInternship / Management  / MBA (HR)  / Analysis of absenteeism, performance and salary of workers at the ROPE production units

Analysis of absenteeism, performance and salary of workers at the ROPE production units

Villgro offers an excellent internship in Human Resource Management for Analysis of absenteeism, Performance and salary of workers at the ROPE production units. Last date 15 October

About the company: Villgro transforms rural lives by identifying and incubating product and service innovations that can be translated into scalable market based models. Since inception in 2001, Villgro has activated close to 2000 innovations and impacted more than 3.6 lakh rural lives. Villgro actively promotes social entrepreneurship and works with different stakeholders to create and support an eco-system that enables this. The mass transformation movement spawned by Villgro, has a singular objective: to create a prosperous rural India, buzzing with ideas for growth.

ROPE (Rural Outsourced Production Enterprise) is a company incubated and supported by the Villgro and TeNeT group of Indian Institute of Technology Madras, with the objective of establishing production centers in rural India to enhance livelihoods of rural poor. ROPE focus on natural fiber crafts and products made from banana bark fiber, korai grass, elephant grass, bamboo and coir.

Area of Project: Human Resource Management

Topic: Analysis of absenteeism, Performance and salary of workers at the ROPE production units

Description of the project:

a) Assess the attendance system, absenteeism and turn over for a specific period of time and identify the causes. Compare this with standard manufacturing industry averages.

b) . Correlate age of the employee, distance travelled by each employee to work, travel expenditure with performance, absenteeism and overall satisfaction and turn over

c) Ensure  availability of correct and updated profile of all employees f) Compare the household workers and regular workers in terms of  their number, their average daily earnings, no of hours they work, their profile

d) Compare local employment opportunities with ROPE in terms of salary, nature of work etc.

Deliverables at the end of th project: Internship report describing the findings of the analysis described above

Desired profile:

Education: MBA specialising in Human Resource Management

Experience: Nil

Skill: Problem solving through analytical approach

Knowledge: Quantitative and qualitative research techniques

Language: Working knowledge of Tamil is mandatory

Duration: 2 months

Job Location: T.Kallupatti, Madurai Dt, Tamilnadu

Stipend : 10,000/-

How to apply: Send your resume to (with indianinternship.com in subject line) Last date 15 October


Villgro Innovations Foundation
III Floor, IIT Madras Research Park Building
Kanagam Road, Tharamani,
(Near TIDEL Park),
Chennai – 600 113
Website: www.villgro.org